Kenneth Overly

Associate Professor

Contact Information:


Science Complex 104


Ph.D. - Organic Chemistry University of Virginia

Brief Biography:

I received my BS in Chemistry from Kent State University where I had the pleasure of conducting undergraduate research and working for American Liquid Xtal Corp. through KSU's Industrial Co-op Program. I earned my Ph.D. from the University of Virginia working on the total synthesis of the important antifungal drug amphotericin B.

I am married to Deb Medeiros Overly, a parent of Kelsey, and grandparent of Sophie and Knox.

Area(s) of Expertise:

Organic Chemistry, Applied Molecular Modeling

Teaching Philosophy:

Chemistry is a problem-solving discipline that requires students to extend what they learn in the classroom to the bench in the laboratory. My goal is to help them along that path so they become effective critical thinkers and skilled chemists. My overarching goal is to prepare them for what lies beyond their time at PC as they become the next generation of scientists.

Selected Publications:

Chase, H. McDonough, T. Overly, K. Laperle, C. (2013) Combined 1H NMR and DFT Study of the Solvent Effects on the Iron Pentacarbonyl-Catalyzed Photo-Assisted Isomerization of Allyl Alcohol. The Journal of Physical Organic Chemistry.(26), 322-326.

Reingold, J. Virkaitis, K. Carpenter, G. Sun, S. Sweigart, D. Czech, P. Overly, K. (2005) Chemical and Electrochemical Reduction of Polyarene Manganese Tricarbonyl Cations:  Hapticity Changes and Generation of Syn- and Anti-Facial Bimetallic η4,η6-Naphthalene Complexes. J. Am. Chem. Soc..(127), 11146-11158.

Czech, P. Li, H. Yu, K. Watson, E. D'Acchioli, J. Carpenter, G. Sweigart, D. Overly, K. Coughlin, F. (2002) Models for Deep Hydrodesulfurization of Alkylated Benzothiophenes. Reductive Cleavage of C−S Bonds Mediated by Precoordination of Manganese Tricarbonyl to the Carbocyclic Ring. Organometallics.1262-1270.

Guay, D. Cole, B. Overly, K. Fort, Jr., R. Hausman, M. Genco, J. Elder, T. (2001) Mechanisms of Oxidative Degradation of Carbohydrates During Oxygen Delignification. II. Reaction of Photochemically Generated Hydroxyl Radicals with Methylcellobioside. J. Wood Chem. and Technol..(21), 67-79.

Selected Presentations:

Overly, K. American Chemical Society. , Dallas, TX - "Poster: Chiral Ketones and Iminium Salts Derived from Bicyclic Terpenes for Use as Catalysts for Olefin Epoxidation" March, 2014

Williams, C. Trainor, A. Overly, K. 245th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition. American Chemical Society, New Orleans, LA - "Studies on the syntheses of chiral ketones and iminium salts derived from bicyclic terpenes for use as catalysts for olefin epoxidation" April, 2013

Train, A. Williams, C. Overly, K. 243rd American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition. American Chemical Society, San Diego, CA - "Investigation of Camphor Derived Ketone and Iminium Salt Catalysts for Asymmetric Epoxidation of Olefins" March, 2012

Overly, K. Barden, M. Liotta, L. 239th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition. American Chemical Society, San Francisco, CA - "Virtual screening of carbohydrate processing enzymes against polyhydroxylated pyrrolidines,pyrrolizidines, and indolizidines I: Golgi a-mannosidase II" March, 2010

Overly, K. Barden, M. Kurker, R. 237th American Chemical Society National Meeting & Exposition. American Chemical Society, Salt Lake City, UT - "Virtual screening of carbohydrate processing enzymes against polyhydroxylated pyrrolidines, pyrrolizidines, and indolizidines I: α-galactosidase, β-galactosidase, α-glucosidase, and α-mannosidase" March, 2009